I think I've heard at least a hundred kids react to their first time seeing the #supercargo, or two people on a bike, their jaws just hanging open, it never gets old.
I think I've heard at least a hundred kids react to their first time seeing the #supercargo, or two people on a bike, their jaws just hanging open, it never gets old.
The horn solo part of this is what I always feel like when riding my #superCargo with both 3x8 trigger shifters mounted on the right handlebar. The #bikeFriday tandem has 3x8 grip shifters, but it has a bigger hub motor with the throttle on the right side, and my 13yo stoker can't let me get it into the little ring, you have to let off and shift just at the right spot #BikeTooter
All #cargoBikes should have this much mudflap #bikeTooter, it might interfere with your steering arm, but this one has cables #superCargo
Riding the 2014 #xtracycle bbs02 #edgerunner more often lately, thinking maybe I should get a #GrinMAC motor for the rear of it, possibly a new bigger battery and update some parts. It's just such a dependable old truck but the rear is a little flexible when youngest+spouse are both on it. 11yo prefers the #supercargo / #umbrellaBike & 13yo is too heavy to not be pedaling so we end up on the #bikeFriday tandem more. Crowded in the garage though #nPlus1Problems #BikeTooter #eBikes #cargoBikes
Caption contest for what these kids said as we zoomed by. I think it was "daddy, I want one!" #cargoBikes #SuperCargo #UmbrellaBike #eBikes #bhHwy #CrashCorner #InvisibleBikeLane #ODOTGTFOpdx
Bikes just aren't a viable mode of transportation because it rains sometimes, and there are hills.
#30daysOfBiking today is carrying the kid over the hill to and from school with 50lb of percussion instruments, a common excuse for why biking is impractical. 350W front hub motor on the #supercargo bakfiets (20in wheel) makes it doable but a lot of work whether you go fast (high motor eff) or slow (motor gives up and then it's even harder.) Zig-zags help, but as usual, drivers are the problem.
20in hub-motor-specific suspension fork for yuba supercargo? I need this bike to have more power but also regenerative braking, and hold traction better on bumps (currently the motor skips/skids slightly on every bump and crack when climbing.) And it needs about 1000W braking power but 350W is enough assist / for tractionary reasons, I need to send any more power than that to the rear wheel & where it can shift gears. #CargoBike #eBike #SuperCargo
@rowmyboat @ascentale @MartyCormack the bullitts are cute but even my #supercargo is already near max capacity and the 10yo + 13yo won't sit together without bickering. I'm working on attaching a trailer bike for the second kid, but it lacks low-speed stability (I actually want the leaning trike to have a non leaning lever.)
@Iragersh looked like bundles of unfolded corrugated cardboard boxes maybe. I'm not saying the yuba couldn't have handled that. This post was mostly for the mountain, which I've already demonstrated fits nicely on it, in one of the other #superCargo pictures... [edit: ah there it is, see: plenty of room for a mountain.]
@ingalls @ascentale my #supercargo has leveraged steering, so it's even a little more different than having the steerer in your hands directly. Other than that, the turning bit being farther ahead, means you need to think/balance/maneuver from there, generally just look farther ahead and ride like a regular bike. But, your passengers can now wiggle and english the steering far more than you can by leaning your weight from the back, so you have to steer much more, but there's a limit stop
@glightly I think it was similar a decade ago with two kids on an xtracycle edgerunner eBike in SW Portland, if people haven't seen it before, all of the stereotypes go out the window. Now on the #SuperCargo bakfiets, even with Clever Cycles and Splendid Cycles just 500ft down and across the river, it's still the first one many people have ever seen.
yuba boldly asking what if you made the longest bike and put the bottom bracket only 10.5in above the ground #bikeTooter #superCargo