The trouble with the farmer up to now has been that every time somebody has thought of relief for him it has been to make it so he could borrow more money. That’s what’s the matter with him now. What he needs is some way to pay back. Not some way to borrow more.
Will Rogers (1879-1935) American humorist
Column (1927-02-27), “Weekly Article: Big Bouts for Farm Relief”
Sourcing, notes:
Fortune: If you think the current outlook is bad, just wait until the #trump #WhiteHouse can’t find anyone to buy its #debt, warns Ray Dalio
Hudson's Bay Company nearly $1B in debt, with court filings painting dire financial portrait
Hudson's Bay Company is nearly a billion dollars in debt, according to court filings that paint a dire portrait of the struggling Canadian department store chain's finances.
#business #finance #debt #News
Warum Udo Di Fabio Unrecht hat – Stellungnahme für den Deutschen Bundestag
Ulrich Vosgerau zweifelt an der Richtigkeit, das Grundgesetz mit den Mehrheiten des alten, vom Bundespräsidenten A.U.F.G.E.L.Ö.S.T.E.N(Sic!) Bundestag zu ändern! Er belegt, das es für Bundestagspräsidentin Bärbel Bas durchaus möglich war, statt des alten, vorfristig(!) auch den neugewählten Bundestag einzuberufen.
Auch bezweifelt Dr. Vosgerau stark, das die dazu eiligst einberufenen Abgeordneten, ob der Kürze der Abstimmung, überhaupt in der Lage seien, die Tragweite dieser Änderungen am Grundgesetz zu erfassen…
#cdu #friedrichmerz #debt #schuldenbremse #grundgesetz #ulrichvosgerau
Hudson's Bay Company is nearly $1B in debt, with court filings painting dire financial portrait
Hudson's Bay Company is nearly a billion dollars in debt, according to court filings that paint a dire portrait of the struggling Canadian department store chain's finances.
#business #finance #debt #News Germany’s Merz implores Greens to approve spending revolution – POLITICO #debt #défense #GermanElection2025 #germany #infrastructure #intelligence #IntelligenceServices #military #NATOSummit #negotiations #News #parliament #policy #security #world #WorldNews #WorldTopics
One also wonders why extra #debt is needed to finance investments. Should this debt be repaid even though it clearly has an equivalent value in the form of better transportation routes and stable bridges, if the expenditure really is additional?
(100% agree) Heiner Flassbeck: Instead of inscribing even more complicated new #debt rules in #German constitution, why not lift the #DebtBrake in general?
Jennifer Rubin: Budget—and the credulous mouthpieces laundering Republicans' talking points
Why would the #GOP shut down our government, grow our #debt, and destroy vital services to increase Musk & Bros' staggering wealth?
#uspol #shutdown
Norway Savings Bank honors top employees with awards | Local Business News #banking #Credit #Debt #DemandForMoney #FamilyEconomics #Finance #FinancialServices #InvestmentBanking #leadership #Liability(financialAccounting) #Loans #Norway #PersonalFinance #RealEstate #SocialPsychology
@Leah He's just getting started. By the time this is over, the national #debt will have ballooned enormously, and an #economic #recession (or #depression) will take hold. Internationally, the #dollar will be weak, and—perhaps worst of all—economic powers will be strongly considering replacing the dollar as the world's reserve currency (if they haven't done so by then already).
Most Americans don't appreciate the value of having control over what amounts to the common currency of world markets. When a country like, say, Brazil has to pay its international creditors, they can't just write a check. First they have to obtain enough US dollars to cover their payment. That boosts the value of the dollar, thus making our own debt less expensive for us to pay.
Additionally, unlike Brazil, in a pinch, if we are really struggling with debt, we can (ta da) simply issue more money! That has a strong downside, of course, but we're alone in having the power to do so.
Kudos to Micael Sheen - putting his money where his mouth is and also exposing some of the inequities in debt in the UK. Available on C4 catch up.
Due to the murky issue of reselling debt, Sheen discovers he can buy £1m’s worth of debt for a relatively paltry £100,000. Over two years, this documentary shows him working towards buying up the deband writing it off”.