The whole #transportation industrial complex is holding us hostage in a kind of Hunger Games setup where we compete for scarce resources to get livable streets built in our neighborhoods on absurd timelines that see entire childhoods pass by without being able to bike to school.
Streets need to be operated and maintained as streets for people, *before* you can pour concrete curbs that change the behavior of road users. The infrastructure needs to be drop-in, short notice, ongoing feedback, people get heard but non-drivers have places to go too + many are being coerced into cars by DOTs' failure to act like this is their job, or just willful negligence and fake science. If we put stuff in, they take it out and prove which side they're on. #VisionZero #StuffInTheStreet
A non-small part of safe streets probably needs to be unarmed and automated enforcement, like go authorize the parking staff to issue no-stop citations for moving violations, if we need to punish drivers into following the rules. But you need infrastructure to make following the rules easy, there has to be some oversight on the ticketing-for-profit scheme vs the limitations of design.